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Supermoon Over Colorado Rocky Mountains Indian Peaks BW

Sunday the 10th of August was the day of the supermoon. It rose at 7:53 pm to a cloudy horizon so there was not a good rising view from Boulder County, or at least from where I was located in North Boulder County. This is the next morning, Monday 8-11-14 as it sets at 7:17 am behind the Colorado Rocky Mountains Indian Peaks. […]

Nature’s Country Painting

A scenic eastern Colorado country landscape with a red barn on a rural farm and a colorful sunset sky that looks like a painting. This is a technique of using 200 images stacked to get this effect. Hope you like. […]

Rollinsville Colorado Sunset

A scenic landscape view of the small town of Rollinsville Colorado in Gilpin County with the reflection of a beautiful sunset sky in a calm lake. Rollinsville is located in the mountains southwest of the city of Boulder, on the flank of a hill above South Boulder Creek along State Highway 119 between Nederland and Black Hawk. […]

A Ducky Kind Of Day

Beautiful scenic nature landscape view of the front range of the majestic Colorado Rocky Mountains, with Mt Meeker 13,911 ft and Longs Peak 14,256 ft towering above one of the golden ponds and a family of ducks swimming by. Longmont, Colorado, Boulder County. […]

Aspen Forest Tree Trunk Bark

A scenic landscape view looking into a forest of Colorado Aspen Trees showing their beautiful white tree trunk bark. Black and white image. […]

Colorful Milky Way Night

Rural country lights across the water, light up the clouds, as the Milky Way rises across the sky, during no moon in May. Jackson Lake, Jackson Lake State Park, Morgan County, Colorado […]

Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Land of the free and the home of the brave. “These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor – and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.” – Michael N. Castle (born July 2, 1939, an American politician who was Governor of Delaware from 1985 to 1992) […]