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Art Prints

That Spirit In The Sky

Lightning Thunderstorm in NE Boulder County. Looking North from Union Lake, Longmont Colorado. Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon about 100 strike Earths surface every single second yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity. […]

Country Road Into The Storm Front

A scenic drive on a dirt country road in North Boulder County Colorado with a magical colorful view of the leading edge of a beautiful dramatic storm cloud front. […]

Rainbow Over Rollinsville

Part of a double rainbow over Rollinsville Colorado. The population as of the 2010 Census was 181. It is located in the mountains southwest of the city of Boulder, on the flank of a hill above South Boulder Creek along State Highway 119 between Nederland and Black Hawk. […]

Shelf Cloud Mamacumulus Leading Edge

Shelf clouds are typically seen at the leading edge of a thunderstorms. What you’re seeing in a shelf cloud is the boundary between a thunderstorm downdraft and updraft. Shelf clouds form as warm, moist air rises along the front edge of a gust front and are associated with severe thunderstorms. These clouds are especially prevalent […] […]

Cumulonimbus Cloud Explosion

Colorado Cumulonimbus thunderhead supercell cloud exploding with inter cloud to cloud lightning strikes. A cumulonimbus cloud is a type of cloud responsible for thunderstorms. They are tall and dense, looking like mushrooms, and form from the fluffy-looking cumulus clouds. They emit lightning. When the top of the cumulus resembles the head of a cauliflower, it […] […]

Gold in the Sky

Stormy Colorado evening skies at sunset this beautiful nugget of gold appeared and then burned out. Boulder County. Colorado Fine art nature landscape photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images by James Bo Insogna (C) – All Rights Reserved. *PLEASE NOTE, WATERMARKS WILL NOT BE […] […]

Old Rustic Rural Run Down Farm House Monster Sky BW

Scenic Country landscape with a old rustic rural run down farm house in north east Boulder County on the Edge of Longmont Colorado and a monster cloud overhead. Black and white version.Colorado Fine art nature landscape weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images by […] […]