Striking Photography
Copyright 1987-2008 All rights reserved. Nothing on this page can be reproduce with out written consent. As seen in: Yippy Yi Yea Magazine– Western Style Coast to Coast
Top left “Tatum “88,” taken, ostensibly, at Tatum in 1988. Top right: “Full Moon Spirit,” depits Jacobo’s wife, Madonna. An Apache friend told the Insogna’s that this moon would help them conceive a much
Jacobo’s Image of a statue, ” Horse World,” in Phoenix, took two years. He has photographed horses professionally, and it was imperative that the outcome match his hopes for the shot. In the resulting photograph, entitled “Lightning at Horse World,” the Arabian, thoroughbred and quarter horse seem startled by the storm. Most of the “striking” photography is done during Arizona’s monsoon season. Jacobo enthusiastically describes the storms like a surfer would extoll the perfect curl or a runner would explain that elusive ‘high.” When conditions are just right, “the storms roll in like clockwork. Right around sunset, the thunderheads hang over the mountains,” Jacobo says. His shots of the storms progression reveal the vast power of clouds that mushroom above the mountains and release bright flashes of lightning beneath churning skies. At times, his experience with lightning has provided glimpses of the seemingly miraculous. “Once, lightning just walked down a mountain at me, “he says, his voice reflecting the memory of that awesome power. It started at the top of the mountain, and as the storm moved, it followed ever-lower peaks, directly in Jacobo’s direction. “I crawled out of the situation,” he says, sheepishly, of the close call. “Troon-C.” part of a three-photo series shot toward the city from Troon. ” Free Bird Sunset,” another gorgeous, nonlightning photo.
“Striking 88” shows the incredible complexity lightning can achieve. |
In Jacobo Insogna’s photography, lightning walks, runs, dances and strikes. It’s a reflection of heaven’s instantaneous violence- caught forever in this artists Striking Photography: both the description of his work and the name of To capture the arresting photography, Jacobo has chased seasonal desert storms for 15 years. His favorite shooting locales, including North Scottsdale, Mummy Mountain and Camelback Mountain, are chosen for their views of saguaro cactus, the desert or cityscape. For the shots of multiple lightning bolts, he times his shutter to be open from between five seconds and five minutes.
“Lightning at Horse World” (color version), a magnificent photo that was two years in the making. A self-portrait.
“Moon in Monsoon” helps Jacobo describe the thunderheads as they roll over the mountains.
“Too Close for Comfort.” The only way that Jacobo can describe the shot. His personal rules about storm safety clearly reflect his vocation: a telephoto lens is safe and means he’s at least 10 miles out of the storm’s path: a 50 millimeter lens means he’s probably cutting it too close. “I also don’t pursue a storm unless I’m riding outside it, “he adds. Following his own rules Jacobo’s wife, Madonna, helps him out on occasion by modeling. The Original Idea for “Full Moon Spirit” and “Indian Sunset” was to capture the After 15 years of pursuing inspired photographs of nature’s power, among other subjects, Jacobo still feels there is more to explore – more sculpture, more saguaros, more cityscapes. The desert’s vistas offer a sky that glows in colors ranging from olive to mauve and phenomena that continuously change and surprise. Jacobo Insogna will continue to look to the desert for inspiration. Through his vision, we’ll all be along for his rides into the storm-tossed horizon. |
“BO” Insogna
Freelance Photographer
“BO” Insogna
1541 Elmhurst Drive
Longmont, Colorado 80503
Call Direct: 1- 303-834-2524
Toll Free:1-888-682-0122
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Very nice pics friend..
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