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North Scottsdale Zip Code 85255 Lightning Storm

Massive lightning monsoon thunderstorm with giant lightning bolts that make the Arizona mountains in North Scottsdale look small. The Famous zip code 85255. Many giant lightning bolts from high clouds striking the ground with mountains and city lights. […]

For local man, photographing lightning is a calling

LONGMONT — When the sky darkens, thunder rumbles and lightning glistens most people curl up under the covers. James “Bo” Insogna grabs his cameras and heads out… […]

STRIKE ZONE – Lightning energizes nature photographer

The outdoorsman was lured here by the opportunity to photograph the Arabian horse market. However, he was quickly enamoured with the quick weather changes and spectacular night shows produced by lightning during monsoon season. […]

Four Strikes – Lightning Photography

Four Strikes and you’re out???

Four lightning bolts striking the desert floor. Striking Lightning Photography by Bo Insogna. This lightning photo was scanned in from from film.

Did you know that Most lightning strikes occur either at the beginning or end of a storm. The average lightning strike is six miles long. Lightning can reach […]

Striking Photography -Yippy Yi Yea Magazine

In Jacobo Insogna’s photography, lightning walks, runs, dances and strikes. It’s a reflection of heaven’s instantaneous violence- caught forever in this artists Striking Photography: both the description of his work and the name of his business. A photographer with 20 years experience, Jacobo personifies the West by bringing his love of the Southwest, horses and “doing something new” to photography. […]