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Arizona Lightning Desert Storm and Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm- The Men and the flag represent the “Operation” and the Victory and Liberation of Kuwait. The Saguaro represents the “Desert” and the men and women who served in the Gulf. The Lightning represents the “Storm” and the Air War with swift, precise strikes. […]

Highway 52 Thunderhead Storm Cell – Two and Half Minutes Lightning Strikes

Highway 52 Storm Cell – Two and Half Minutes Lightning Strikes. This is Lightning thunderstorm east of hwy287 on hwy 52, Boulder County ,Colorado. 08-15-2010. This is a layered image equal to about a 2 1/2 minute exposure. Lightning Facts: Approximately 494,000 cloud to ground lightning flashes occur in Colorado every year. Colorado ranks 26th in the nation (Ron Holle, Global Atmospherics, quoted from the Rocky Mountain News, 30th June, 2001) […]

Highway 52 Lightning Storm Photography Image

HWY 52 – HWY 287 Lightning Storm Image 29. A lightning thunderstorm cell with lightning striking and mean looking clouds. Lightning weather photography. Lightning fact: The chances of being hit by lightning are 1 in 700,000. ( but why take chances!). A cloud-to-ground lightning channel can be 2 to 10 miles long. Voltage in a cloud- to- ground strike is 100 million to 1 billion volts. […]

Cloud of Lightning in Boulder County Colorado – Photo

This lightning images was taken at highway 52 and highway 287 looking south east. Boulder County, Colorado. This was one large thunderhead supercell that was striking pretty good for about two hours. This is a 15 sec – f5.6 – 200 ISO – 53mm – Long times exposure. […]