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Art Prints

Artsy Abstract of Lightning Warhol Farmland Air

Artsy Abstract of lightning striking in the farmland air of Boulder County Colorado. Agricultural Irrigation system view. Three different processed images in the rainy thunderstorm country landscape. This shot I had to push it a little so 20sec ISO400- F5.6 – 130mm. […] […]

Arizona Sonoran Desert Colors Monsoon Lightning Thunderstorm

The colors of the Arizona Sonoran Desert during monsoon thunderstorm season with lightning bolts striking. 100 IS0 – 10 sec -f10 – 79mm. Fine Art Lightning photography prints, canvas art and stock images. (C) 2011 James Insogna Filed under: Lightning Thunderstorm Weather Photography Tagged: Arizona, AZ, blue, bolts, cactus, charge, chasers, cloud to cloud, cloud […]<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" […] […]

9 11 We will Never Forget Fine Art Photography Print

September 11, 2001 we will never forget you and what happen. Ten years later are we stronger as a nation? Please never forget how 9-11 brought the USA together as a nation. A 9-11 memorial image 2011 Lightning bolts striking in the sky… […]