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Striking Fine Art

Art Prints

Thunderstorm on the Colorado Plains Panorama

Lightning thunderstorm with cloud to ground lightning striking out on the plains of North Boulder County, Colorado. MOther Nature putting on a great show, this is better than fireworks anyday. […]

Double Lightning Strikes in Sepia HDR

Double trouble lightning strikes, two C2G or cloud to ground lightning bolts striking the city lights. These two bolts start high up in the clouds before making their way to the ground. looking North East of Longmont, Boulder County and Weld County, Colorado […]

America The Powerful Nation

USA America National Country flag background with massive colorful cloud to ground lightning bolts hitting the horizon of city lights. Love doing patriotic images! BIG fan of the red, White and Blues! Hope you like! […]

That Spirit In The Sky

Lightning Thunderstorm in NE Boulder County. Looking North from Union Lake, Longmont Colorado. Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon about 100 strike Earths surface every single second yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity. […]