Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in north Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911 ft. and Longs Peak 14,256 the distance. […] […]
Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911′ and Longs Peak 14,256′ in the distance. Black and white version by storm chase Bo Insogna aka The Lightning Man Budweiser Power – Massive Lightning Thunderstorm all over the Anheuser-Busch Budweiser Brewery. This was one crazy amazing storm. I chased this very erratic lightning thunderstorm all the way to Wyoming. It was sooooo crazy at one point I would hit my shutter button then jump in the back of the SUV to get my feet off the wet ground. Lightning Thunderstorm in NE Boulder County. Looking North from Union Lake, Longmont Colorado. Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon about 100 strike Earths surface every single second yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity. Colorful thunderstorm thunderhead lit up with lightning bolts striking in Boulder County Colorado. Sepia version. Colorful thunderstorm thunderhead lit up with lightning bolts striking in east Boulder County Colorado. Not all lightning forms in the negatively charged area low in the thunderstorm cloud. Some lightning originates in the top of the thunderstorm, the area carrying a large positive charge. |
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