James "Bo" Insogna aka "The Lightning Man" – striking nature landscape and weather photography, 30 year retired lightning storm catcher. Started in 1987 from Arizona to Colorado – . Hope you enjoy!
This night was one of my most scariest nights chasing lightning. This was the first shot that got a little blown out it was an extreme bolt of energy. Nothing like being on the top of a huge rock with a metal tripod … www.TheLightningMan.com […]
It took me years to get this shot. It was one of the most dangerous photo shoot I have done. After years of waiting for the storms to be in the right place at the right time…. www.TheLightningMan.com […]
This lightning images was taken at highway 52 and highway 287 looking south east. Boulder County, Colorado. This was one large thunderhead supercell that was striking pretty good for about two hours. This is a 15 sec – f5.6 – 200 ISO – 53mm – Long times exposure. […]