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Art Prints

He Has Risen – Happy Easter

In honor of Easter, a monsoon lightning thunderstorm with bolts of lightning striking behind a religious Christian cross in front of a church. Some of my lightning images I compose a head of time in my mind and some have taken up to three years to get. This image took 20 minutes. It was my […] […]

Happy Easter! – Heavens Gate

Happy Easter! This shot was taken in the high elevation near Vail, Colorado. It was a stormy night, and at the blink of an eye, Lightning bolts strike what looks like opening the gates to heaven… and then seconds later… it’s gone. This was one 30 second exposure image and one lightning strike forming the […] […]

Lightning… Power…. God… Religion… Good Friday

Lightning… Power…. God… Religion… Good Friday Filed under: Lightning Thunderstorm Weather Photography Tagged: cross, god, good friday, Lightning, power, religion, Weather photography […]

Sunflower Lightning Field

Lightning striking the horizon fo a beautiful sunflower fields that spans for as far as the eyes can see. This Image is a composite of two of my images. Lightning as Art. Filed under: Lightning Thunderstorm Weather Photography Tagged: Bo Insogna, cloud to cloud, cloud to ground, clouds, Colorado, Colorado weather, convection, Extreme weather, James […] […]

Double Lightning Strike Pinnacle Peak

A summer Lightning thunderstorm at Pinnacle Peak in north Scottsdale Arizona. […]

Country Lightning Thunderstorm

Please lcik on the image for the fine art photography gallery Chased this lightning thunderstorm down County Line looking for a good composition. Colorado lightning striking cloud to cloud nature putting on a great show above a barn and grain silo out in the rural Northern Colorado country. Chased this storm from Lafayette to Fort […] […]

Crazy CO Lightning Thunderstorm Weather Photography

A lightning thunderstorm cell with lightning striking and mean looking clouds. Lightning weather photography. Filed under: Lightning Thunderstorm Weather Photography Tagged: 0029, art, blue sky, Bo Insogna, bolts, canvas art, Canvas Print, charge, chasers, cloud to cloud, cloud to cloud lightning, cloud to ground, clouds, cool, Custom Framed, dangerous, discharge, electric, electricity, energy, exposure, extreme, […] […]