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We Have Front Row Seats for the Thunderstorm

It is almost like these trees have a front row seat watching this storm as lightning strikes and dances in front of them during this beautiful Colorado thunderstorm on the country plains. A very active night that got me out of bed and out the door to this location. It is so nice when a plan comes together, as from my bedroom window I could see it hitting up in this area. […]

Cruising Highway 36 Into the Storm Panorama

Started this storm chase from the edge of north east Boulder County where I like to sit and watch things develop, then decide what direction to run to. As I saw it starting to hit I decided to hit one of my favorite spots on highway 36 between Boulder Colorado and Lyons. […]

Lightning Dome Over the City Lights

Lightning bolts in the shape of an arch creating a dome over the city lights. This is one of my all time favorite images, hope you like it as much as I do. It is amazing what a lightning bolt can do and far far it will go. […]

Thunderstorm on the Colorado Plains Panorama

Lightning thunderstorm with cloud to ground lightning striking out on the plains of North Boulder County, Colorado. MOther Nature putting on a great show, this is better than fireworks anyday. […]

Thunderstorm on the Plains

Thunderstorm on the Boulder County Plains Panorama – Lightning thunderstorm with cloud to ground lightning striking out on the plains of North Boulder County, Colorado. […]

Colorful Cloud to Cloud Lightning Thunderstorm 27

A fantastic colorful Colorado cloud to cloud lightning thunderstorm. Lightning image number 27, Tree Silhouette in the foreground with a large open colorful sky from the city lights and a small lightning bolt going cloud to cloud. […]

Electrical Arcing Sky

Lightning bolts giving off electrical arc’s in a stormy night sky above the Colorado Rocky Mountains foothills in north Boulder County. Scenic landscape view from McIntosh Lake in Longmont. 8/5/2009 one year to the day of my fathers passing. Thanks Dad. ISO 320 -15 sec- f9 – 47mm […]