Day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, – June Lightning Thunderstorms this is a mix from one night of catching lightning storms. Hope you enjoy. […]
Day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, – June Lightning Thunderstorms this is a mix from one night of catching lightning storms. Hope you enjoy. A day in the life of a storm catcher, Bo Insogna 7.22.2014 […] Fast moving Colorado monsoon thunderstorm with blue sky above and a triple threat of lightning bolts striking the ground. View of the NE sky from east Boulder County. A colorful sky as an electrical charged lightning bolt strikes near the road and green thunderstorm clouds above. When the sun is low in the sky, such as before sunset when most severe storms occur, the reddening light of the sun when shining through Earth’s atmosphere makes the bluish cloud tint turn green. This image is like it came out of a Sci-Fi movie. Colorado weather with many layers of clouds in the sky and a lightning strike starting in the upper cloud going through and coming out of a lower cloud bank hitting the ground. July 15th, 11:35 pm, Boulder County, Colorado. ISO 500 – f5.6 – 4 sec – 122mm A day in the life of a storm catcher Bo Insogna Storm Catcher July 15th at Sunset Lookout […] A day in the life of a storm catcher, Bo Insogna July 14th 2014 lightning storm catch. |
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